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Altrient C

Product Information

Altrient C

Quantity: 30
Manufacturer: LivOn Labs
Price: Please call for details

Description of product

Altrient C C provides maximum assimilation and bio-availability because there are... NO binders NO fillers NO gelatins NO capsule materials NO dyes NO sweeteners NO flavorings common with tablet and capsules supplements. LypoSpheric Vitamin C™ has been called "Vitamin C on steroids!" This is because it utilizes state-of-the-art Liposomal Encapsulation Technology (LET). LET allows the nano-scopic spheres of Lypo-Spheric™ Vitamin C to... -Quickly navigate through the digestive system -Eliminate need for digestive activity prior to assimilation -Rapidly absorb in the small intestine move intact, directly to the cells that need it. -Release the powerful, non-degraded Vitamin C for use throughout the body as the liposomal material is assimilated by the phospholipid-craving cells that are under attack. The Vitamin C and the encapsulating phopholipids are nothing but pure, health- promoting, 100% nutrition. In addition, "essential phospholipid" liposomes protect the Vitamin C from several factors that can degrade and even render Vitamin C ineffective. Available in boxes of 30 sachets.

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